Well it definitely has been awhile since an official newsletter, but we've got something very important to pass along. It was only a year ago that the lead toy threats became very prominent in our media, but luckily our sweet little store has always been a safe haven because of the toys that we've chosen to fill it with from the beginning. Unfortunately those toys that we take such pride in carrying could be at risk of disappearing from our local shop.
A law was passed to protect our children from toys that contain pthlates and lead paint in August and it will go into effect officially in February of 2009. While banning these toxic substances is of course something we support, it also mandates expensive third party testing for all toys sold in the US. Does that mean this is the last holiday season we can get sustainable safe toys for our kids? That could be the end of Walking Stick Toys as well as many other little 'Mom and Pop' type shops just like ours across the country. This also could be detrimental to all handmade toymakers like Anna Rummel of Starlight Arts. The way the bill is written states that even the safe toys we've trusted for years will need to go through a rigourous testing procedure that is very expensive essentially pushing these toy manufacturers out of the United States and putting these handmade toy makers in a position where they couldn't possibly afford to test each of their toys. Selecta has already announced as of December 31st they will no longer be bringing their products into the United States. This is a toy company that we love and that we carry, and this could be what begins happening with all of the manufacturers we've trusted over the years.
So what we are asking, is if you have a few moments to sign the petition that is already in place (
just a mouse click away) and even if you have some extra time to write a letter to your
Congress Person and/or
Senator in regards to this issue you could help save this industry. The Handmade Toy Alliance has been gracious enough to come up with a
sample letter that you can use if you'd like.
It is people like you, that shop in our store, and care about the toys their children or grandchildren play with and grow with that can help us get this bill amended and save our litle shop. Help save Starlight Arts and thousands of other small handmade toymaker businesses that are striving to better our youth's playtime.
The most important thing that I can stress about this whole issue is that our children are going to be directly affected by this and that's the worst part. I know that each and every one of you care more about that than anything else and that is why you choose to shop at shops just like ours.
So please enjoy your holiday season and if you have a spare moment take it to sign the petition and inform yourself about what we possibly could be looking at in 2009 for toy options for our children that deserve to play with safe, sustainable, green, healthy, and handmade toys.