Happy New Year! Our inventory is counted, at long last. Our list of goals for the new year is nice and long.
We had a lucky winner in our playsilk giveaway - congrats to Karin! She'll be the lucky recipient of a brand new playsilk each month for a year. We'll have the same contest again next January, so if you'd like to participate please follow us on Facebook.
We're honored to be hosting a Kindermusik class tomorrow (Wednesday January 15th) morning at 10:30. Our friend Valerie is coming to sing, dance and play with us so if you are in the neighborhood please join us.
Lastly, we want to find out if there are parents out there interested in an essential oils class? As many of you know, we carry essential oils at Walking Stick and maybe you've always wanted to delve into this world, but weren't quite sure where to begin. Or, maybe you use essential oils with your family but would love to learn more. We want to help! Watch for an upcoming class - if you are interested in being on our mailing list to be notified of this class please click the link on the right to sign up for our green newsletter, or give us a call.
The new 2014 toys will start coming in very soon - be sure to pop in to see the new goodies. Well Wishes!
The dollhouse's energy efficient design includes a wind turbine, a solar
cell panel and electric inverter for generating electricity, a rain
barrel for collecting rain, a biofacade, which uses the natural cycle of
plant growth to provide shading, and a blind that can adjust the amount
of sunlight and air circulation. Also, recycling bins are included in
the set.
How do you celebrate Earth Week?