Eco-Eggs Coloring Kit
Eco-Eggs Coloring Kit
10 Votes | Average: 4.6 out of 510 Votes | Average: 4.6 out of 510 Votes | Average: 4.6 out of 510 Votes | Average: 4.6 out of 510 Votes | Average: 4.6 out of 5 (10 votes, average: 4.6 out of 5)
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Eco-eggs is an egg coloring kit made using organic plant, fruit and vegetable extracts from annatto seed, curcumin, purple sweet potato and red cabbage. This kit includes natural dyes (orange, blue and purple), a color chart for creating 6 colors and instructions for coloring eggs. Warning: small parts enclosed. CPSIA compliant.

Ages: 3 and up



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